

Hebei promotes the supply-side structural reform of round steel pipe

Hebei province will push forward the supply-side structural reform of the steel industry forround steel pipe by accelerating the development of high-end and high-quality steel. They also extend the steel industry chain, enhance industrial innovation capacity, carry out intelligent manufacturing and promote green development. Refinement action plan of iron and steel industry is currently being studied and formulated.

In the development of high-quality steel, Hebei will accelerate the development of 3D printing metal materials, high-purity vanadium oxide series and other metallurgical new materials. Besides, they will further improve the quality level and market share of high-end automobile board and home appliance board to reach the leading level in China.Steel pipe manufacturerswill accelerate the development of high-end products such as steel for energy, steel for Marine projects and steel for railways. They will continue to press ahead with plans to replace imports of steel products. In terms of extending the steel industry chain, Hebei will speed up the extension of iron and steel enterprises to equipment manufacturing, metal products, construction steel structure and other downstream industries, establish distribution centers for steel structure parts.

In terms of improving innovation capacity, Hebei will encourage enterprises to increase investment in research and development forhot rolled steel pipe, strive to achieve universal establishment of research and development institutions for steel enterprises in the province and accelerate the research on key generic technologies. In terms of intelligent manufacturing, Hebei will, in accordance with the "one enterprise, one policy", guide enterprises to formulate a plan for in-depth integration and upgrading of the two industries, comprehensively promote the in-depth integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and the iron and steel industry. In key positions with high labor intensity, poor operating environment, high safety risks and strict process requirements, industrial robots shall be promoted and used to improve labor productivity, and the per capita annual steel production of the whole industry shall reach over 1,000 tons by 2020.

To promote green development, Hebei will promote cleaner production methods, carry out cleaner production audit, adhere to the combination of source control and end treatment, reduce the total amount and concentration of pollutants. We will promote the integration and optimization of energy and water systems, accelerate the development of energy management centers, promote advanced and applicable technologies for energy conservation and emission reduction, and make use of social waste resources.China steel tube manufacturers have significantly enhanced our capacity for innovation, led the country in energy conservation and emissions reduction.

Supply-side structural reform, round steel pipe, steel pipe production

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Post time: May-16-2019
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