

China solar greenhouse

The first Chinese-stylegreenhousewas built in 1978. However, the technology really took off during the 1980s, following the arrival of transparent plastic film. Not only is plastic film cheaper than glass, it’s also lighter and doesn’t require a strong weight-bearing frame like glass does, which makes the construction of the structure much less expensive. In the modern times, growers are improving thermal efficiencies of their structures by opting for modern insulation materials in the walls. Synthetic insulation blankets, which are better suited for moist environments, are also in use because the straw mats become heavier and have a lower insulating capacity when wet.

solar greenhouse

In recent years, solar greenhouses are very popular in agriculture in China. The Chinese passive solar greenhouse generally has three walls of brick or clay that make up the north, east, and west sides of the structure. Only the south side of the building consists of transparent material (usually plastic film) through which the sun can shine. During the day, the greenhouse captures energy from the sun in the thermal mass of the walls, which is then released as heat at night. The walls also help block the cold, north winds, which would otherwise speed up heat loss. At sunset, an insulating sheet made of straw, pressed grass, or canvas can be rolled out over the plastic to further slow heat loss. These features keep the indoor temperature of a China passive solar greenhouse up to 45 degrees higher than the outdoor temperature.

In most cases, typicalglass greenhousesrequire massive inputs of energy to grow crops out of season. Contrary to its fully glazed counterpart, a passive solar greenhouse is designed to retain as much warmth as possible using thermal mass and insulation, which makes it possible to grow crops year-round with solar energy alone. In the modern times, some of the most recently built China solar greenhouses have more sophisticated ventilation and insulation systems, including insulation blankets that roll up and down automatically in applications. Some of China solar greenhouses even have a double roof or reflective insulation.

We are committed to producing various types of steel products for your choice in your greenhouse project in future. Our products are all designed for the fast and easy installation in applications. Contact us if you have any need in your project.

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Post time: Dec-14-2020
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